We are so excited to launch the first drop of our SCOTLAND collection but first lets chat with our founder Pien, as she reflects on the campaign shoot in the Scottish Highlands:

PICTURE THIS a remote manor in the middle of nowhere. The place oozes with character from its creepy flamboyant wallpapers and green carpet to its grand longggggg staircase and corridors. It was the kind of place where every creak of a floorboard sent shivers down your spine, and when a light flickered we all SHRIEKED with fear. Our photographer Fauve swirled her very own sage through the air in aid to bless each room and our videographer was so freaked she wanted to share rooms with someone. Let's just say, some of us were a bit shaky.

Despite our fears, the house’s sinister charm warmed on us. Each room had its own bold, cool and daring aesthetic - which derrr is exactly what we are after at Stieg. My FAV highlight was 5am sunrise by the lake. We were blessed with clear skies (maybe thanks to the sage) where we shot by the sunrise and watched as the midst parted from the lake. And let me tell you uhhh these photos we captured - out of this world. We cannot wait to share with you what we got coming up in this collection.

Come & explore the collection and follow our journey in the Scottish Highlands. We have many more stories to share. Drop by drop we will guide the way.

Until then, keep the sage LIT!

With love,